About the Department
About the Department
The Department of Sanskrit was introduced in the college 2017. The department has been continuously updating activities over the years to enable all round development of the students. The faculty of the Department of Sanskrit has striven to continuously impart highest quality of instructions through lectures, students’ participation in projects, paper presentations and other interactive methods. The department organises activities like quiz-competitions, festivals, lectures of eminent speakers like Prof. Bhartendu Pandey, Prof. Ramnath Jha, Prof. Ranjan Tripathi, Prof. A Sudha, Prof. Sharada Sharma etc. The department currently offers B.A (Hons.), BA (prog.) in Sanskrit and several interdisciplinary papers like General Elective & Skill Enhancement which includes papers like Indian Polity, Meter and Music, Fundamentals of Ayurveda etc. The course structure equips students with competitive skills to perform effectively in a challenging environment. Strengths of the department are number of students, subject specialist professors and some opportunities for the students are like different fields for career, Introduction to Ancient Indian Culture & especially many opportunities to research.The Department has produced excellent results. The students of the Department are selected for various master’s programmes in various prestigious universities.