IQAC Initiatives – Sustainability Forum



                  (An IQAC Initiative)

                                    Estb. 30.03.2022


objective of the forum will be to initiate and execute the sustainable
practices in the college campus related to environmental and socio-cultural
dimensions of sustainability.

Dr. Rajesh Kr. Abhay


Department of Geography


The Forum works in 4 core areas: (1) Water Management and Sustainability, (2) Green Cover Sustainability, (3) Waste Management (4) Energy Conservation) and also look for more sustainable practices may or may not in above mentioned areas.


(1)   Water Management and Sustainability: This Team looks into the sustainable practice related to water management, rainwater and rooftop water harvesting, drinking water quality etc. and whatever the team thinks at regular intervals.


(2)   Green Cover Sustainability: This Team will look into the sustainable practice related to College Greenery, its audit/ census, plantation of carbon sinking plants and anything to execute sustainable green practices in the college.


(3)   Waste Management: This Team will initiate the sustainable practices related to different types of waste management, reduction of plastic waste, chemical waste and E-waste, etc.


(4)   Energy Conservation: This Team will look into the Energy audit in the College and will initiate practice to save energy and associated initiatives.



                                        Summary of Activities since Inception to 2023 

The IQAC has also established Sustainability Forum (31.03.2022) with the objective to initiate and execute the sustainable practices in the college campus related to environmental and socio-cultural dimensions of sustainability under the coordinator-ship of Dr. Rajesh Kumar Abhay. During the academic sessions the forum organized activities and workshops related to rainwater harvesting, water accounting, tree census, Save Soil Campaign, energy consumption report, and waste management awareness sessions. Green cover team conducted tree census and prepared report of the pre and post monsoon tree census, water conservation team organized workshop on rainwater harvesting and prepared water quality and consumption-based report, chemical waste red team prepared newsletter, and energy conservation team prepared energy consumption report for the year 2022-23. All the teams released the report, newsletter and presented in the annual sustainability summit held on 31 March 2023. The forum also initiated the workshop on ‘Happiness and Revisiting Childhood’, and on ‘Indian Festivals and Happiness’ during the year.